Friday, October 16, 2015

ACCD Entertainment Design portfolio [SPRING 2016]

Well, here it is! I spent a little under a month working on my entrance portfolio. A large chunk of my time went into developing the characters, leaving very little for everything else (which explains the rather weak prop/environment renderings).

Let me know if you applied/got accepted for spring term as well. I'd love to hear from all of you! :)


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    1. Ah, the acceptance letters actually arrived a lot more quickly than expected! The suspense was killing me; if it hadn't arrived for another month or so (some people had to wait for two months), I would've died. Best of luck!

  2. That's great! Congratulations on a job well done! Haha. I'm an international applicant, so the letter will probably take a couple more days >.< the suspense...

    1. Thank you. :) And ah I see, just hang in there! Hopefully all the wait will pay off~

  3. The downside of being an international applicant haha. The wait is that much longer. :/

  4. Hi Mindy. I have a question. When did you turn in your portfolio and how long did it take to receive the acceptance letter?.. I have applied for entertainment design before and received a letter telling me that the space was full...(They offered me illustration entertainment instead). Oh and congrats !

    1. Hey Kevin! I turned my portfolio in on the deadline at around 11:30 pm that night. The acceptance letter actually came a lot earlier than expected; the current first termers had to wait around 2 months for their notifications, whereas most of the people in my term got theirs two weeks after the deadline.

      I'm sorry that you've been waitlisted. :( Spots fill up pretty quickly nowadays since the admissions office goes by a first-come-first-served policy. Will you be reapplying? And thank you!

    2. Ohhh So it seems like I have to wait about 1.5~2 months if I apply for the fall term.. Yes I'll be reapplying for the Fall 2016! Hope I make it this time. Thanks for replying.

    3. It depends, I'd say 0.5-2 months depending on where you live. And awesome! I wish you the best of luck and if you need anything let me know, I'm on Facebook so you can add me there. :) You're welcome! Have a safe and happy holiday buddy

  5. What dimensions did you use for you portfolio, i want to get ready for Fall 2017

  6. Are acceptance letters in form of physical mail, or emails?
    I've also heard about the slightly unfair 'tuition deposit system' and is there any way I can get a spot in class earlier before the spots fill up? (If I am accepted, that is)

    1. I'm not sure anymore, for my term they gave out physical acceptance letters but for this upcoming fall term they sent emails instead.

      Once you receive your acceptance letter, make your deposit ASAP to reserve your spot since they fill up very quickly! Good luck.

  7. did you receive scholarship by any change? really nice work!

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  9. hi! I am going to apply for fall 2018 and I need to guidance ;; would you mind if I add you on Facebook/Instagram? (I really like your style compare to all the accepted portfolios I have seen online) Thank you very much! *hope you see this!!*

    1. Aw, I'd love to! Go right on ahead. :)

    2. I am sorry but what is your instagram/facebook? ;; I just saw your reply :((

    3. thanks for your reply though! I am grateful for that :')

    4. That's okay! My FB is just my actual name (Mindy Yoon) and my personal IG is peachesnfairies; I'll probably make an art Insta sometime soon. And of course!

    5. sorry I just saw your reply!!! I have dmed you on instagram x

    6. oh hey is it okay if I add you too? I would like some help with mine.
